When you get into an intense writing session, what’s your beverage of choice?

We all know we are supposed to drink a lot of water. But some writers I know consume coffee by the bucketful. Others work their way through a large pot of tea. And then there are the hardier types who are fueled by a glass of wine – or two.

Do you snack? Healthy snacks or other stuff? Are you snacking because you get hungry writing or it is a nervous response?

For me, coffee works most of the time. For editing, when it gets frustrating, I have been known to sip some wine. But mostly I try to be good and drink water. One of my sons keeps reminding me to “hydrate, it’s important.”

Then snacks – I try to avoid them but when I do resort to them, my biggest problem is resisting the lure of cookies. Sigh. I do love cookies. In my Lamb’s Bay Mysteries, I wrote about my main character keeping her chocolate chip cookies in the freezer to deter herself from binging. And several people who know me figured out that was my ploy. I never met a bag of chocolate chip cookies I couldn’t resist sampling. I don’t binge but sample – a sample is like three, right?

I order my groceries online – have done since COVID began. In way it is good – I am not wandering around the aisles impulse buying. I stick to my list. This stops me from buying unhealthy snacks – like cookies. But I still get a craving for them once in a while.

Mostly, when I am writing, you’ll find me with some fruit beside me, a bottle of water and a large cup of coffee – sorry but I do occasionally add a cookie. I am weak. Mea culpa.

What are your favorite drinks and snacks during writing sessions?

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