Ever been woken up from a deep sleep by one of your book characters who wants you to get out of bed and start writing – NOW. I have.

Do your characters talk to you while you are writing?

I know a lot of authors who say their characters will take on a life of their own while they are working on a book. That the characters will, at times, actually seem to be telling you what to write.

Of course it is our creative imagination urging us on. Our brain has figured out where the story is going and urges us to listen to it. To us, it seems as if Mary or George are speaking directly to us.

This is not a bad thing and as long as we realize what is happening there is no need to call for help. You need to listen to the brain which has been figuring things out for you while you slept or went to work. It is as if the creative brain  were a computer that has a program running in the background. When it senses you are available or that the data it is producing needs your attention,  it automatically sends a report and downloads the information to your conscious mind.

I enjoy my creative brain. It does not focus on doing the dishes or the laundry but instead gives me ideas for writing, my favorite pastime. I have heard other authors say similar things so I know I am in good company. Our inner muse tells us to get to work. Our characters communicate. And that’s okay by me.

Do you have conversations with your characters?


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