With COVID restrictions, it has not been easy or even recommended to travel in some areas. So, for a moment, let’s just use our imagination and think about our dream location for a writing retreat.

Do lake cabins tempt you? Are you dying to spend time walking in the woods and paddling about in the water of your favorite lake?

Or are you a beach person? Would your ideal spot be a cottage near the beach with wild roses around the door and a shady porch for lazy afternoons?

Some people go for exotic getaways, but I feel that for me, there would be too much to see and do. I’d never get any writing done.

My favorite getaway would be similar to the cottage a friend used to own not far from Montreal. It was on a man-made pond in the centre of a small village. There was no beach and no swimming, but just sitting outside in the gazebo watching the herons, ducks and other local birds was a special experience. I got some wonderful ideas for stories which I recorded in my notebooks. And the calm of the pond and its denizens was better than a spa day.

The last two years, I have been mostly at home due to COVID. My writing “retreat” has been on my balcony and in my office. I’ve taken good care to treat myself well and pay attention to my brain as it ricochets from one story idea to another. Yes, I keep notes, tons of them. That’s why I have trouble keeping things tidy. At times I have wished for the calm of summer cottage life, but as I couldn’t get out to see anyone and they couldn’t come here, well, there was a lot of quiet – except for the air conditioning droning on. But I need that.

I am sending out wishes to all of you that it will soon be okay for us to indulge in trips and visits to our favorite retreat places. Meanwhile, pour your beverage of choice, settle down comfortably and close your eyes. Let your imagination take you where you want to be. You can tell me about your dream getaway in the comments section below. Enjoy your writing.


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One Reply to “Dream Summer Retreats”

  1. Hi Anne….thanks for sharing. I always dreamed of a small cozy cottage, facing the West so I could see beautiful sunsets…overlooking a lake not necessarily a beach. I’d like to be close to the woods for a walk among the trees. It must have a big window to let in lots of light and so I can see nature.
    But I can write pretty much anywhere….but it costs nothing to dream. And oh yes, lots of Earl Grey tea in the pantry. And social tea biscuits.

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