It’s May – it’s supposed to be a lovely month heralding the start of good weather while teasing us with promises of summer fun.

But this year May is gloomy and rainy – good for me because weather like that drives me to escape reality by going to my computer keyboard and getting into my writing.

I block out the actual weather and immerse myself in the fictional world of my books and the stories about my characters. Plus, in that world, I, the author, am in charge of the weather. It will be whatever I say it will be. Such a powerful feeling.

Summers in San Somás was written mainly in the winter. What better time to imagine a Caribbean nation with sun-drenched beaches. Of course, as I write mystery, I just had to throw in murder, a revolution and an evil police chief just to keep things interesting. But without them, the book would have been one long beach moment with Bailey and Derek enjoying mojitos and getting suntans.

Summers in Wolf Falls was written in the spring and took me away from the dull skies of a Montreal spring and sent me up north to the woods in late June. I enjoyed trekking through the trees, canoeing on the lake – but I did have to keep it lively by adding a ghost, a fire, a murder, terrorists and a touch of romance. And yes, many thanks to the beta reader who reminded me about the bugs that infest the woods at that time of the year. I dutifully wrote them into the final draft and armed my characters with bug spray.

Now I am working on Summers in the City. It’s May for me but in the book it’s September in downtown Montreal, warm days, cool nights. Back to school time for many. People planning Thanksgiving family gatherings for early October. But again, mayhem strikes. Sorry, I just needed to get it in there –a stabbing, bad guys – well I can’t give the whole plot away – besides, I am still deep into my first draft. But be assured, Summers in the City is not going to be a ho hum gentle bus tour of the city. Stuff will happen. Bailey demands it. I like writing it.

Summers in the City – coming later this year. Watch for it.

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