I have an addiction – I admit it – to notebooks.
I need to have one with me most of the time. I feel lost without one and not having a pen to write with makes the situation worse.
I have been writing since childhood and have always had a notebook around. I used to tell my mother I must have a special notebook to write in. It couldn’t just be an old school notebook. It needed to have nice cover with a picture on it that would inspire me.
Years have gone by. Far too many to mention, ahem. And I am still addicted to notebooks. I particularly love the ones with great sayings on the front cover or a distinctive drawing or photo. I love them to have bright covers so that I can find them when they wander off and also because I like colour in my life.
I keep my notebooks. They are filled with writing ideas, first drafts of stories or chapters for novels. Important stuff, though occasionally you will find a note such as “buy milk” or “call for dental appointment.” I tried using my tablet for notes and scribbles but found I make the important notes in my, you guessed it, my notebook. I often misplace my tablet or my phone but my brightly coloured notebook? Never. I just cast my eyes around looking for the colour of the moment and there it is.
Plus, because I usually carry one around, if I have to wait somewhere, say at the doctor’s office, or travel somewhere, I always have something to do – write in my notebook.
Lately I was clearing out part of my office closet and discovered just how many notebooks I have kept over the years. And no, I am not throwing them into the recycle bin. Heavens, there might be some work in there that could be part of one of my writing projects – along with reminders about groceries and appointments.
Are you addicted to notebooks too?
Always a pleasure to read your posts!