So, they say timing is everything. Well, my timing was a bit off when I decided to put myself out there, get a website, etc., and start publishing my work on amazon. This was in the fall of 2019.

With help of a web designer, I got my website up and running by Christmas 2019. I planned to publish the first book in early 2020. Someone had offered to come and sit with me while I figured out the KDP system. Meanwhile my books had been going through various beta readers and final editors.

Then COVID hit and we went into lockdown. Traditional book launches went online. Everything went online and changed the way we live.

I was stuck at home due to health issues, but still determined to fulfill my goal of getting my books out there. It has been quite a journey from the first days of this project. I have learned a lot and still have more to process I am sure. But to date, I have four volumes of The Lamb’s Bay Mysteries up on amazon and it gives me a good feeling when I see them there. I’ve had some five-star reviews too.

There was no-one to sit with me while I navigated the KDP system. I found it a bit confusing at first but by book 4, not so much. But once my first book in the series was up, the next step was getting the news out and engaging readers.

Suggestions given to me were as follows:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest.

Except for Facebook, the others were new to me. I had to learn how to use them. I Googled questions when it wasn’t intuitive. I spoke with my computer-savvy sons. I learned.

I also discovered the author side of Goodreads, which I have been on for a few years to keep track of my reading. That meant setting up an author page, etc.

It has been a busy time and I know there are lots of tools still out there to learn about. I take webinars when I can. I Google questions.

Meanwhile, I wrote 3 more books last year in addition to the 3 I had already completed and published.

It takes time and resources to publish a book. And by resources, I mean especially people – my beta readers and editors have been wonderful. I am very appreciative of their assistance. Thank goodness technology allows us to share files and information.

So, when I started all this in early 2020, I was nervous because I would have to do so much on my own. But in retrospect, I had support – both human and technological —and for that I am grateful.

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