It is snowing here in Montreal. Again. A month ago we couldn’t wait to have snow around to turn everything into an iconic Christmas card. But it is January now and some of us who do not partake in winter sports are already thinking ahead to spring.
Getting the driveway cleared out. Worrying about the slippery sidewalks. Fed up piling on the clothes to go outside, even for just a short while.
But – and yes, there is a but – it is a great time of year to hunker down and write.
Too cold to go out? Stay home and write.
An event cancelled due to the winter weather? Stay home and write.
Friends out of town down south? Stay home and write.
The days will fly by and you will have produced – what? A poem, a story, the beginning of a new book or the ending of one you have been working on and stopped during the holidays.
I love writing in the winter. All cosy in your favorite writing place – a home office or on the sofa with your laptop—with a mug of something warm to drink and some Christmas cookies at hand. Maybe you have a pet who likes to join you at this time.
Outside is it is a frozen landscape and the wind is howling, blowing the snow everywhere – great setting for your imagination to go to work.
Inside it is warm and you are comfortable. Time to dream about faraway places, romance or delve deeper into a mystery novel. Go for it!
Today I made hot chocolate, grabbed a snack and have been in my writing space most of the day working on my blog calendar for the year and writing this post.
This is down time in much of our lives – use it to write your dreams.
What do you write about on snowy days?