It’s Mother’s Day this week and what better time to pick up a free ebook for mom or yourself. I personally love it when my children give me books. I put books on my amazon wish list and sometimes they turn up in Christmas packages or as birthday gifts.

Why get mom a book? She spends a lot of time dealing with reality. Lost schoolbooks, colds and other germs that her children bring home from school and daycare, keeping the family on schedule, etc. Add in a job and perhaps even night school and you have a pretty overloaded multitasker.

Mother’s Day should be everyday but since that isn’t always feasible, why not give her a book and send her off into an adventure for the day. A fantasy, a mystery, a romance. Whatever. A book transports you to another reality and moms need that break. Even though my family is grown up and out of the house, I work hard writing my books and doing my social media. So, when one of my family members sends me or hands me a book, I down tools, make tea or get a glass of wine and settle down to travel to another location, to experience other realities and to just darn well enjoy a good yarn.

So, to all you moms out there, Happy Mother’s Day. Grab your phone, laptop or tablet, go to amazon (or get a family member to do it) and download a free copy of Summers in Wolf Falls. It will involve you in a mystery in the northern woods of Quebec and keep you entertained. Step out of your daily chaos. Let someone else organize dinner. Happy reading.

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