You are hard at work on your book and bam – out of nowhere you feel blocked. You need a mental push to keep going, but once you find it, you are away to the races – or your manuscript. For me those I find those moments can often be dealt with by reading a favorite inspirational quote.

Which is why if you ever visited me, you would find several of them in frames or posted in various spots around my home.

Hey, some people have sports memorabilia all over the place; others wall-to-wall photos of favorite actors or other items which relate to their interests. For me, it is the quotes that help.

I wander out of my office grumpy because I am feeling stymied, head to the kitchen to make coffee, or get tea, or, ahem, a glass of wine. And as I am doing that, yes bam again, one of my favorite quotes will catch my eye and give my thought processes a healthy nudge.

What quotes do I use? Ones that I feel relate to me on a certain level. They stop the negative thinking and set my brain on a more positive path. I have them posted on the door of my office, in frames on the walls and even on my china cabinet. There aren’t as many as you might think but the ones I do have are key to keeping me going. One is about having faith in taking that next step. Another about the need to boost your confidence by wearing a tiara – yes, I do have one.

I also have a quote-a-day calendar that I read every morning. It is like setting an intention for my day.

So, keep your eyes and ears open for quotes that resonate with you. And display them. And listen to them. Plus, it is cheaper than therapy.

Here’s one of my favorites from the 13th century poet Rumi: “As you start to walk on the way, the way appears.”

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